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- /*
- * This file is directly from the VOGLE library. It's simply had a few
- * gratuitous name changes and some comments added.
- */
- #ifdef SGI
- #include <gl.h>
- #include <device.h>
- #else
- #include "vogl.h"
- #include "vodevice.h"
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #ifdef TC
- extern double sin();
- extern double cos();
- #else
- #include <math.h>
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #ifndef PATH_SIZE
- #define PATH_SIZE 256
- #endif
- #ifdef MAC
- #ifndef FONTLIB
- #define FONTLIB ":fonts:"
- #endif
- #else
- #ifdef PC
- #ifndef FONTLIB
- #define FONTLIB "c:\\lib\\hershey\\"
- #endif
- #else
- #ifndef FONTLIB
- #define FONTLIB "/usr/local/lib/hershey/"
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a))
- #define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
- #define XCOORD(x) (int)((x) - 'R')
- #define YCOORD(y) (int)('R' - (y))
- #ifndef PI
- #define PI 3.14159265358979
- #endif
- #ifndef D2R
- #define D2R (PI / 180.0)
- #endif
- #define LEFT 0 /* The default */
- #define CENTERED 1
- #define RIGHT 2
- static double tcos = 1.0, tsin = 0.0; /* For rotations */
- static double SCSIZEX = 1.0, SCSIZEY = 1.0; /* Scale factors */
- static int Justify = LEFT;
- static int Fixedwidth = 0; /* Some flags */
- static short nchars; /* No. in font */
- int hLoaded = 0;
- static hershfont();
- static char old_font[PATH_SIZE] = ""; /* So we don't have to reload it */
- static char fpath[PATH_SIZE] = "";
- #ifdef MAC
- short macHersheyFontsVRefNum;
- #endif
- static struct {
- int as; /* Max ascender of a character in this font */
- int dec; /* Max decender of a character in this font */
- int mw; /* Max width of a character in this font */
- char *p; /* All the vectors in the font */
- char **ind; /* Pointers to where the chars start in p */
- } ftab;
- double hstrlength(); /* Length of a set of Hershey characters */
- double hgetfontwidth(); /* The width of this font */
- double hgetfontheight(); /* The height of this font */
- extern char *hallocate();
- extern char *getenv();
- /*
- * hfont
- * loads in a hershey font.
- */
- void
- hfont(name)
- char *name;
- {
- /*
- * check we aren't loading the same font twice in a row
- */
- if (*name == '/') {
- if (strcmp(strrchr(name, '/') + 1, old_font) == 0)
- return;
- } else if (strcmp(name, old_font) == 0)
- return;
- /*
- * Try and load it
- */
- if (!hershfont(name)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "hershlib: problem reading font file '%s'.\n", name);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*
- * Save the name of it...
- */
- if (*name == '/')
- strcpy(old_font, strrchr(name, '/') + 1);
- else
- strcpy(old_font, name);
- }
- /*
- * hnumchars
- *
- * Return the number of characters in the currently loaded hershey font.
- */
- int
- hnumchars()
- {
- check_loaded("hnumchars");
- return((int)nchars);
- }
- /*
- * hsetpath
- *
- * Set the path of the directory to look for fonts.
- */
- void
- hsetpath(path)
- char *path;
- {
- int l;
- strcpy(fpath, path);
- l = strlen(fpath);
- #ifdef MAC
- #else
- #ifdef PC
- if (fpath[l] != '\\')
- strcat(fpath, "\\");
- #else
- if (fpath[l] != '/')
- strcat(fpath, "/");
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * hershfont
- *
- * Load in a hershey font. First try the environment, then the font library,
- * if that fails try the current directory, otherwise return 0.
- */
- static int
- hershfont(fontname)
- char *fontname;
- {
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- int i, j;
- short nvects, n;
- char *flib;
- char path[PATH_SIZE];
- if (fpath[0] != '\0') {
- strcpy(path, fpath);
- strcat(path, fontname);
- } else if ((flib = getenv("HFONTLIB")) != (char *)NULL) {
- strcpy(path, flib);
- #ifdef MAC
- #else
- #ifdef PC
- strcat(path, "\\");
- #else
- strcat(path, "/");
- #endif
- #endif
- strcat(path, fontname);
- } else if ((flib = getenv("VFONTLIB")) != (char *)NULL) {
- strcpy(path, flib); /* To be compatible with VOGLE */
- #ifdef MAC
- #else
- #ifdef PC
- strcat(path, "\\");
- #else
- strcat(path, "/");
- #endif
- #endif
- strcat(path, fontname);
- } else {
- strcpy(path, FONTLIB);
- #ifdef MAC
- #else
- #ifdef PC
- strcat(path, "\\");
- #else
- strcat(path, "/");
- #endif
- #endif
- strcat(path, fontname);
- }
- #ifdef PC
- if ((fp = fopen(path, "r+b")) == (FILE *)NULL)
- if ((fp = fopen(fontname, "r+b")) == (FILE *)NULL) {
- #else
- if ((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == (FILE *)NULL)
- if ((fp = fopen(fontname, "r")) == (FILE *)NULL) {
- #endif
- fprintf(stderr, "hershlib: Can't open Hershey fontfile '%s' or './%s'.\n", path, fontname);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (fread(&nchars, sizeof(nchars), 1, fp) != 1)
- return (0);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("nchars = %d\n", nchars);
- #endif
- if (fread(&nvects, sizeof(nvects), 1, fp) != 1)
- return(0);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("nvects = %d\n", nvects);
- #endif
- if (fread(&n, sizeof(n), 1, fp) != 1)
- return(0);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("ftab.as = %d\n", n);
- #endif
- ftab.as = (int)n;
- if (fread(&n, sizeof(n), 1, fp) != 1)
- return(0);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("ftab.dec = %d\n", n);
- #endif
- ftab.dec = (int)n;
- if (fread(&n, sizeof(n), 1, fp) != 1)
- return(0);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("ftab.mw = %d\n", n);
- #endif
- ftab.mw = (int)n;
- /*
- * Allocate space for it all....
- */
- if (hLoaded) {
- if (ftab.ind[0])
- free(ftab.ind[0]);
- if (ftab.ind)
- free(ftab.ind);
- hLoaded = 0;
- }
- ftab.ind = (char **)hallocate(sizeof(char *)*(nchars + 1));
- ftab.p = (char *)hallocate((unsigned)(2 * nvects));
- /*
- * As we read in each character, figure out what ind should be
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) {
- if (fread(&n , sizeof(n), 1, fp) != 1)
- return(0);
- if (fread(ftab.p, 1, (unsigned)n, fp) != (unsigned)n)
- return(0);
- ftab.ind[i] = ftab.p;
- ftab.p += n;
- }
- ftab.ind[nchars] = ftab.p; /* To Terminate the last one */
- fclose(fp);
- hLoaded = 1;
- return(1);
- }
- /*
- * hgetcharsize
- *
- * get the width and height of a single character. At the moment, for
- * the hershey characters, the height returned is always that of the
- * difference between the maximun descender and ascender.
- *
- */
- void
- hgetcharsize(c, width, height)
- char c;
- double *width, *height;
- {
- check_loaded("hgetcharsize");
- *height = (double)(ftab.as - ftab.dec) * SCSIZEY;
- if (Fixedwidth)
- *width = (double)ftab.mw * SCSIZEX;
- else
- *width = (double)(ftab.ind[c - 32][1] - ftab.ind[c - 32][0]) * SCSIZEX;
- }
- /*
- * hdrawchar
- *
- * Display a character from the currently loaded font.
- */
- void
- hdrawchar(c)
- int c;
- {
- char *p, *e;
- int Move, i, x, y, xt, yt;
- double xs, ys, xp, yp, tmp, xtmp, ytmp;
- check_loaded("hdrawchar");
- if ((i = c - 32) < 0)
- i = 0;
- if (i >= nchars)
- i = nchars - 1;
- Move = 1;
- xt = yt = 0;
- if (Justify == LEFT) {
- xt = (Fixedwidth ? -ftab.mw / 2 : XCOORD(ftab.ind[i][0]));
- yt = ftab.dec;
- } else if (Justify == RIGHT) {
- xt = (Fixedwidth ? ftab.mw / 2 : -XCOORD(ftab.ind[i][0]));
- yt = ftab.dec;
- }
- e = ftab.ind[i + 1];
- p = ftab.ind[i] + 2;
- xtmp = ytmp = 0.0;
- while(p < e) {
- x = XCOORD((int)*p++);
- y = YCOORD((int)*p++);
- if (x != -50) { /* means move */
- xp = (double)(x - xt) * SCSIZEX;
- yp = (double)(y - yt) * SCSIZEY;
- tmp = xp;
- xp = tcos*tmp - tsin*yp;
- yp = tsin*tmp + tcos*yp;
- xs = xp - xtmp;
- ys = yp - ytmp;
- xtmp = xp;
- ytmp = yp;
- if (Move) {
- Move = 0;
- rmv((Coord)xs, (Coord)ys, (Coord)0.0);
- } else
- rdr((Coord)xs, (Coord)ys, (Coord)0.0);
- } else {
- Move = 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Move to right hand of character.
- */
- tmp = Fixedwidth ? (double)ftab.mw : (double)(ftab.ind[i][1] - ftab.ind[i][0]);
- tmp *= SCSIZEX;
- xs = tcos * tmp - xtmp;
- ys = tsin * tmp - ytmp;
- rmv((Coord)xs, (Coord)ys, 0.0);
- }
- /*
- * htextsize
- *
- * set software character scaling values
- *
- * Note: Only changes software char size. Should be called
- * after a font has been loaded.
- *
- */
- void
- htextsize(width, height)
- double width, height;
- {
- double a;
- check_loaded("htextsize");
- a = (double)MAX((int)ftab.mw, (int)(ftab.as - ftab.dec));
- SCSIZEX = width / ABS(a);
- SCSIZEY = height / ABS(a);
- }
- /*
- * hgetfontwidth
- *
- * Return the maximum Width of the current font.
- *
- */
- double
- hgetfontwidth()
- {
- check_loaded("hgetfontwidth");
- return((double)(SCSIZEX * MAX((int)ftab.mw, (int)(ftab.as - ftab.dec))));
- }
- /*
- * hgetfontheight
- *
- * Return the maximum Height of the current font
- */
- double
- hgetfontheight()
- {
- check_loaded("hgetfontheight");
- return((double)(SCSIZEY * MAX((int)ftab.mw, (int)(ftab.as - ftab.dec))));
- }
- /*
- * hgetfontsize
- *
- * Get the current character size in user coords.
- * For software Hershey fonts, the character width is that of
- * a the widest character and the height the height of the tallest.
- *
- */
- void
- hgetfontsize(cw, ch)
- double *cw, *ch;
- {
- check_loaded("hgetfontsize");
- *cw = hgetfontwidth();
- *ch = hgetfontheight();
- }
- /*
- * hgetdecender
- *
- * Return the maximum decender of the current font.
- * (In world coords).
- */
- double
- hgetdecender()
- {
- check_loaded("hgetdecender");
- return((double)ftab.dec * SCSIZEY);
- }
- /*
- * hgetascender
- *
- * Return the maximum assender of the current font.
- * (In world coords).
- */
- double
- hgetascender()
- {
- check_loaded("hgetascender");
- return((double)ftab.as * SCSIZEY);
- }
- /*
- * hcharstr
- *
- * Draw a string from the current pen position.
- *
- */
- void
- hcharstr(string)
- char *string;
- {
- double width, height, cx, cy, cz;
- char *str = string, c;
- int oldJustify;
- check_loaded("hcharstr");
- height = hgetfontheight();
- width = hstrlength(string);
- cx = cy = 0.0;
- if (Justify == CENTERED) {
- height /= 2.0;
- width /= 2.0;
- cx = height * tsin - width * tcos;
- cy = -height * tcos - width * tsin;
- } else if (Justify == RIGHT) {
- height = 0.0;
- cx = height * tsin - width * tcos;
- cy = -height * tcos - width * tsin;
- }
- rmv((Coord)cx, (Coord)cy, (Coord)0.0);
- /*
- * For the duration of hershey strings, turn off
- * "Justify" as we have already compensated
- * for it in hcharstr()
- */
- oldJustify = Justify;
- Justify = 0;
- /*
- * Now display each character
- *
- */
- while (c = *str++)
- hdrawchar(c);
- Justify = oldJustify;
- }
- /*
- * istrlength
- *
- * Find out the length of a string in raw "Hershey coordinates".
- */
- static int
- istrlength(s)
- char *s;
- {
- char c;
- int i, len = 0;
- if (Fixedwidth)
- return((int)(strlen(s) * ftab.mw));
- else {
- while (c = *s++) {
- if ((i = (int)c - 32) < 0 || i >= nchars)
- i = nchars - 1;
- len += (ftab.ind[i][1] - ftab.ind[i][0]);
- }
- return (len);
- }
- }
- /*
- * hstrlength
- *
- * Find out the length (in world coords) of a string.
- *
- */
- double
- hstrlength(s)
- char *s;
- {
- check_loaded("hstrlength");
- return((double)(istrlength(s) * SCSIZEX));
- }
- /*
- * hboxtext
- *
- * Draw text so it fits in a "box" - note only works with hershey text
- */
- void
- hboxtext(x, y, l, h, s)
- double x, y, l, h;
- char *s;
- {
- double oscsizex, oscsizey, cz;
- check_loaded("hboxtext");
- oscsizex = SCSIZEX;
- oscsizey = SCSIZEY;
- /*
- * set width so string length is the same a "l"
- */
- SCSIZEX = l / (double)istrlength(s);
- /*
- * set character height so it's the same as "h"
- */
- SCSIZEY = h / (double)(ftab.as - ftab.dec);
- move2(x, y);
- hcharstr(s);
- SCSIZEX = oscsizex;
- SCSIZEY = oscsizey;
- }
- /*
- * hboxfit
- *
- * Set up the scales etc for text so that a string of "nchars" characters
- * of the maximum width in the font fits in a box.
- */
- void
- hboxfit(l, h, nchars)
- double l, h;
- int nchars;
- {
- check_loaded("hboxfit");
- SCSIZEX = l / (double)(nchars * ftab.mw);
- SCSIZEY = h / (double)(ftab.as - ftab.dec);
- }
- /*
- * The following can be set without a font actually being loaded....
- */
- /*
- * hcenter
- *
- * Turns centering of text on or off
- */
- void
- hcentertext(onoff)
- int onoff;
- {
- Justify = (onoff != 0 ? CENTERED : LEFT);
- }
- /*
- * hrightjustify
- *
- * Right Justifies the text.
- */
- void
- hrightjustify(onoff)
- int onoff;
- {
- Justify = (onoff != 0 ? RIGHT : LEFT);
- }
- /*
- * hleftjustify
- *
- * Left Justifies the text. (the default).
- */
- void
- hleftjustify(onoff)
- int onoff;
- {
- Justify = (onoff != 0 ? LEFT : RIGHT);
- }
- /*
- * fixedwidth
- *
- * Turns fixedwidth text on or off
- */
- void
- hfixedwidth(onoff)
- int onoff;
- {
- Fixedwidth = onoff;
- }
- /*
- * htextang
- *
- * set software character angle in degrees
- *
- * strings will be written along a line 'ang' degrees from the
- * horizontal screen direction
- *
- * Note: only changes software character angle
- *
- */
- void
- htextang(ang)
- double ang;
- {
- tcos = cos((double)(ang * D2R));
- tsin = sin((double)(ang * D2R));
- }